Safety Day | 2019 | Osimo - Rieti


The 2019 edition of the Health and Safety Day organized by the Osimo and Cassino plants was hosted by the Lega del filo d'oro association. 

At their Osimo branch, on May 24th, the yearly edition of the health and safety training and awareness-raising day took place, addressed to the employees of the Osimo and Rieti plants. From a safety chain perspective, also the employees of the Atessa and Cassino plants attended, which are part of the MA Division of the CLN Group.

Above all, it has meant the opportunity to meet the Lega del filo d'oro, whose ArcelorMittal CLN has been supporting activities, an association that - since 1964 - has as main mission the assistance, education and rehabilitation of the deafblind and multisensory impaired and their reintegration into the family and society.

Safety is close to our heart, people too.