Ethics and compliance

The Model for management, supervision, and organization in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree n°231/2001

In 2016, ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia srl adopted the Model for management, supervision, and organization in accordance with Italian Legislative Decree n°231/2001 in order to perfect a process aimed at identifying and regulating the most appropriate prevention and control measures, to ensure compliance with the laws and regulations in force as well as aimed at giving concreteness to the conviction that ethics, integrity, transparency and commitment are the foundations on which to build the success of the company.


Code of ethics

ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia srl intends to identify itself as a subject characterized by a corporate culture aimed at placing in the first place, through the adoption of the most appropriate prevention and control measures, the principles of honest, correct, industrious conduct, respectful of dignity, health of people, the needs of environmental protection and sustainable development. These principles obviously cannot disregard the strict observance of laws and regulations in force in every context of activity, at all decision-making and operational levels, therefore by every director, manager, employee, as well as by every collaborator and / or external contractor, in the conviction that ethics, integrity, transparency and commitment constitute, also from the point of view of legality, the bases and foundations on which to build the success of the company. All those who work within it, who collaborate with it or have relationships with it in various capacities, regardless of the qualification they belong to or the function performed, must therefore commit themselves to the achievement of these objectives in the performance of their duties, and in assuming their consequential responsibilities.

Compliance with the Code of Ethics (by employees, collaborators, consultants and contractual counterparties in general of the AMCLN) is of fundamental importance, to which the integrity and reputation of the company are logically subordinated, which constitute an indispensable asset to present a reliable image.



ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia srl ​​in line with the provisions of art. 4 of Legislative Decree 24/2023, has taken steps to update the Whistleblowing Procedure as well as the reporting channel, adapting both to the new discipline. Therefore, reports relating to corruption, conflicts of interest, anti-competitive practices and other serious violations better described in the aforementioned procedure can be forwarded through the Whistleblowing web portal after reading the privacy information.