

Always aiming at sustainability, ArcelorMittal CLN contributed to the projects of the KilometroVerdeParma Forestry Consortium: the Schools WeTree project and the Forestry project in the city of Parma and the province .

The WeTree project, designed for schools of all levels, aims to raise awareness and inform students about the importance and value of perennial forests and urban greenery for the community.


On June 21st, 2022 ArcelorMittal CLN signed the sale of its 70% shareholding in the French company AcierPlus s.a.s.

AcierPlus s.a.s. is a French joint stock company with operations in 2 sites: Hericourt and Ancenis. The company is mainly performing cutting, shaping and welding services on steel products. Main customers are active in the lifting, railway and construction equipment markets.


CLN Group and ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia support the Unesco serial candidacy for the Sacra di San Michele (Saint Michael's Abbey) “Gli insediamenti benedettini altomedievali in Italia” (“The early medieval Benedictine settlements in Italy”).

The Press Conference to present this project is scheduled for Tuesday 28 June 2022 at the Polytechnic of Turin.



ArcelorMittal CLN has sold its shareholding in Centro Servizi Metalli SpA, a leading company in the distribution of stainless steel plates with headquarters in Reggio Emilia and operating branches also in France and in Poland.


The World Day for Health and Safety at Work, which takes place on April 28 each year, was established in 2003 by the International Labour Organization (ILO) and is the event aimed at commemorating injured or deceased workers, raise people's awareness of accident prevention and promote a "culture of safety".

ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia supports this important day as it believes that the well-being of its workers is its priority.


Yesterday, February 9th 2022, ArcelorMittal CLN concluded the sale of its non-production site in Quarto Inferiore.


Alfio, our "painter" colleague, wanted to pay homage to dear Ivano who died in 2018 by gifting us a painting that portrays him together with his fellow workers from Fontanellato.

Ivano's family and all the guys from the plant took part in this moment of remembrance.



Around a truck there are areas on which the driver, from the driving seat, has no visibility. These areas, commonly called "blind spots", are much more extensive than one can imagine and constitute a serious danger for those who, on foot or in other vehicles, find themselves close to the heavy vehicle.

According to the European Commission, around 400 people lose their lives in Europe every year for this reason.


CLN Group has established the Amulio Cipriani Award, reserved for graduate and PhD theses, with the aim of encouraging university work projects aimed at the implementation of “green” in the steel industry.


From October 5 to October 7 we are attending Made in Steel tradeshow at Fieramilano Rho.

You will find us in pavilion 11 - stand P42. 

Come to visit us!


ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia and Nuova Eletrofer team up to give life to a new initiative: Electrical Steel Service Solution.


eSSS will accompany the development of the electric steel market for Industry and E-Mobility, thanks to the know-how of the two founding partners.


eSSS provides a complete range of technical and industrial services, offering support to customers' decarbonisation and Sustainability projects.


ArcelorMittal CLN Distribuzione Italia


ArcelorMittal CLN  contributed to the birth of the IEO Proton Center, a new center for the proton therapy that represents the most technologically advanced form of high precision radiotherapy.

An important and innovative project of the IEO CCM Fundation (


ArcelorMittal CLN has recently completely sold the stock of stainless steel flat products, located at Monza plant, to the company Metalluminia Srl and has therefore ceased its activity in this specific sector.

This operation is part of the strategy of focusing on the core business of the service centres dedicated to the flat products in low carbon steel.


On April 22 we celebrate the EARTH DAY 2021.

This anniversary is more and more important: the health of our planet is increasingly compromised and the climate crisis is increasingly serious.

This year's theme is "Restore our Planet" because while it is important to reduce the environmental impact, on the other we must also try to remedy the damage caused to the Earth up to now.


Due Iveco Strails NP – Natural Power - were purchased by Tamagnone s.r.l., a logistic services company controlled by AMCLN.

These are two Stralis AT 440 S 33 TP CNG (compressed natural gas) EURO 6 thanks to which fuel consumption, noise, emissions and CO2 level will be reduced.

Efficient and eco-friendly solutions are and will always be among our priorities.



Aiming at the expansion of our product range, at the increase of our production capacity and at the continuous improvement of efficiency, in 2020, despite the particular negative situation due to Covid-19, it was decided to invest in the new SL1650 slitter, a confirmed investment, which will be operative, at our Monza plant, starting from May 2021.

The main characteristics of the new system are:


Among the various investments planned by us for 2020 there is the one of the expansion of the coils storage warehouse and for the increase of the storage space for cut to length sheet material in commercial thicknesses and formats at our plant of Fontanellato (PR).

The purpose of this investment, now fully operating, was to respond to the market increasingly widespread need for JIT delivery of the most popular products.


September 7, 2020, is the world first International Day of Clean Air for blue skies — calling for global action to combat air pollution, one of the greatest health and environmental challenges of our time.

The International Day of Clean Air for blue skies is a day dedicated for us all to consider action to promote clean air initiatives and make changes in our daily lives to reduce air pollution. These actions, in turn, benefit people’s health and reduce climate warming air pollutants and greenhouse gases.


The surveillance inspection visit for maintaining the UNI EN ISO 9001: 2015 certification had a positive result.

We received a few constructive observations that offer us a further opportunity for improvement ... which is always continuous ...

This year, the stringent rules of social distancing caused by the fight against Covid 19 have forced remote audits, made possible by VPN and Team Chat Apps.

New communication methods and tools, the same rigour in verifying compliance with the standard requirements to protect the service for our customers ...


The continuous improvement of production processes is a must.

The continuous evolution of market needs in terms of service, generated by various factors including Industry 4.0 and the vital general production efficiency, must be constantly followed, even better if anticipated.

For this reason, the various investments planned by AMCLN have been confirmed, despite the critical phase due to Covid.

The first two 2020 interventions have already been completed ...
